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作者:   来源:      发布日期:2023-02-08   浏览:

马泽通,博士,副教授,硕导,广东工业大学青年百人计划A类引进人才。主要从事有机/聚合物光学材料设计及其加密应用研究。在Journal of the American Chemical Society, Chemical Engineering JournalScience China Chemistry等国际重要期刊发表SCI论文十余篇,第一作者及通讯作者文章9篇,国内授权发明专利1项,主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目和博士后面上项目等共3项。





2014.09-2019.06,中国科学院化学研究所,有机化学,理学博士,导师:王朝晖 教授




2019.09-2022.09,华南理工大学,发光材料与器件国家重点实验室,博士后,合作导师:马於光 院士





1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金:深LUMO能级、平面化苝酰亚胺类N型半导体材料的设计、合成与应用,24万,主持,在研;

2. 广东工业大学青年百人启动经费,20万,主持,在研;

3. 第68批博士后面上基金资助二等:磷杂环戊二烯稠合芳酰亚胺基配位聚合物的分子设计及其性能研究,8万,主持,结题。


1. Z. Ma, Q. Sun, J. Zhou, Y. Liu, Z. Shuai, Z. Wang, W. Jiang, Dual Enhancement of Emission and Luminescence Dissymmetry Factor by Si-Heteroannulation of Double π-Helix. ACS Materials Lett., 2023, 5, 450-457.

2. Z. Ma, Y. Liu, S. Wang, J. Zhou, Z. Wang, W. Jiang*, Regulating the Dimensionality of Diphosphaperylenediimide-Based Polymers by Coordinating the Out-Of-Plane Anisotropic π-Framework toward Ag+, Sci. China Chem., 2022, 65, 1741-1748.

3. L. Deng, Z. Ma*, J. Zhou, L. Chen, J. Wang, X. Qiao, D. Hu*, D. Ma, J. Peng, Y. Ma*, Regulating Excited State of Sulfone-Locked Triphenylamine Heteroaromatics for High-Efficiency Ultralong Room-Temperature Phosphorescence, Chem. Eng. J., 2022, 449, 137834.

4. Z. Ma, Y. Liu, Z. Wang, W. Jiang, One-pot heteroannulation toward phosphaperylene diimides with high luminescence and out-of-plane anisotropy, Chem. Commun., 2022, 58, 12321-12324.

5. Y. Yu, Z. Yu, Z. Ma,* J. Jiang, * D. Hu, * D–π–A–π–D-type Fluorophores based on Pyridal[2,1,3]thiadiazole acceptor with hybridized local and charge-transfer excited-state for high-efficiency OLEDs. Dyes Pigment. 2022, 208, 110868.

6. Z. Ma, Z. Yang, L. Mu, L. Deng, L. Chen, B. Wang, X. Qiao, D. Hu*, B. Yang, D. Ma, J. Peng, Y. Ma*, Converting the Molecular Luminescence to Ultralong Room-Temperature Phosphorescence via Excited States Modulation of Sulfone-Containing Heteroaromatics, Chem. Sci., 2021, 12, 14808-14814.

7. Z. Ma, T. Winands, N. Liang, D. Meng, W. Jiang*, N.L. Doltsinis*, Z. Wang*, A C2-symmetric Triple [5]Helicene Based on N-annulated Triperylene Hexaimide for Chiroptical Electronics, Sci. China Chem., 2020, 63, 208-214.

8. Z. Ma, H. Fu, D. Meng, W. Jiang*, Y. Sun, and Z. Wang, Isomeric N-Annulated Perylene Diimide Dimers for Organic Solar Cell, Chem. Asian J., 2018, 13, 918 –923.

9. Z. Ma, C. Xiao, C. Liu, D. Meng, W. Jiang*, Z. Wang, Palladium-Catalyzed Si–C Bond Formation toward Sila-Annulated Perylene Diimides, Org. Lett., 2017, 19, 4331−4334.

10. D. Zhu, W. Jiang, Z. Ma, J. Feng, X. Zhan, C. Lu, J. Liu, J. Liu, Y. Hu, D. Wang, Y.S. Zhao, J. Wang, Z. Wang, L. Jiang, Organic Donor-Acceptor Heterojunctions for High Performance Circularly Polarized Light Detection, Nat. Commun. 2022, 13, 3454. (Q1, IF=17.694)

11. Y. Liu, Z. Ma, Z. Wang, W. Jiang, Boosting Circularly Polarized Luminescence Performance by a Double π-Helix and Heteroannulation, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2022, 144, 11397-11404. (Q1, IF=16.383)

12. Y. Guo, Z. Ma, X. Niu, W. Zhang, M. Tao, Q. Guo, Z. Wang* and A. Xia*, Bridge-Mediated Charge Separation in Isomeric N-Annulated Perylene Diimide Dimers, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2019, 141, 12789-12796. (Q1, IF=16.383)

13. N. Liang, D. Meng, Z. Ma, B. Kan, X. Meng, Z. Zheng, W. Jiang, Y. Li, X. Wan, J. Hou*, W. Ma*, Y. Chen*, and Z. Wang*, Triperylene Hexaimides Based All-Small-Molecule Solar Cells with an Efficiency over 6% and Open Circuit Voltage of 1.04 V, Adv. Energy Mater., 2017, 7, 1601664. (Q1, IF=29.698)

14. 王朝晖,马泽通,姜玮,一种噻咯稠合苝酰亚胺类衍生物及其制备方法,公开号:CN108570067

15. 马於光,邓立松,马泽通,胡德华,一种基于7-取代苯并噻嗪吩噻嗪氧化物的发光材料及其制备与应用,申请号:202111640099.8



